Monday, April 4, 2011

haleys, awfully pretty, comet

This polish is basically a Disney mermaid in a bottle. It's ridiculously lovely. I've heard it's similar to OPI's Catch Me In Your Net but I don't own that so I can't compare. For me and my collection Haleys Comet is wholly unique and a very welcome addition. I really need to seek out more from the Cosmic FX collection as all I own are this and Out of This World. What one's would you recommend?

with flash

natural light


  1. I love your description. Disney mermaid in a bottle. That's awesome! I'm Disney obsessed, haha. So that made me smile. The polish is gorgeous!! The only one I have from that collection is It's Not Rocket Science.

  2. @Tierney haha it would be Ariel in a bottle if there were some specks of bright red glitter in there.
